It gets better.

Sometimes it’s hard to swallow those words.

They taste sour.

They feel forced.

They sit in the pit of your stomach, taking a long time to digest.

Especially when you’re in it.

It does get better with growth and time.

When you’re in the thick of the newborn phase---sleep deprived, feeling not enough-- those words almost feel mocking.

It gets better.

When every moment all you want to do is cry—because it’s the hardest hard you’ve ever faced, someone will rest their hand on your shoulder and whisper into your ear,

it gets better.

You want to fast forward through the hard and get to the better everyone is talking about, but there’s a reason you can’t do that.

Wrapped deep in the hard is the gift of a silver lining that helps you grow.

Because it’s how you respond and rise to the struggle you’re facing that helps you become stronger and gives you perspective.

Because if you could use a magic wand or flip a switch to achieve the same results, you wouldn’t have the same growth.

Because what is left hanging after your world gets flipped upside down are the people and things that matter.

When your world is in chaos is the only time you really see the people there for you or adding to your burden.

It’s where you find who you are, not who society keeps pressuring you to become.

All while getting better from that thing you were struggling with that caused the hard time.

Through the battle is where you become more you than ever before.

The darkness makes you appreciate the light. You can see everything so much clearer when the light turns on after being in pitch black for so long.

And that happens when it gets better—
because it does get better.

Danielle Sherman-Lazar

Danielle Sherman-Lazar is a mental health advocate and mother to three daughters. She has been published on numerous websites including: InspireMore, Scary Mommy, Bluntmoms, The Mighty, ellenNation, Project Heal, Love What Matters,, Beating Eating Disorders, Her View From Home, Motherly, Recovery Warriors, and

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